SLAYER's KERRY KING On His Involvement In Upcoming Comic Series: 'I Don't Like Taking Power Away From Artists'
July 25, 2016Kristyn Clarke of PopCultureMadness.com conducted an interview with SLAYER guitarists Kerry King and Gary Holt at the San Diego Comic-Con International on Friday, July 22. You can now watch the chat below.
Asked how much input SLAYER had in the upcoming comic series from Dark Horse Comics that was inspired by the band's "Repentless" music videos, King said: "Just approval, really. I don't like taking power away from artists. It's like telling me how to write a song: 'I think your song should be like this' [or] 'No. I think your artwork should be like this.' I like people to do what they do, ['cause] that's why they do it. And if I don't like it, then add some direction. But I love the artwork. It's just cool to be able to have people like working for us."
With full participation from the band, disciple Jon Schnepp ("Metalocalypse") has penned the three-issue comic series with interior bloodlines drawn by Guiu Vilanova ("Twilight Zone", "Conan The Avenger", "Weird Detective"). Glenn Fabry's covers reign in blood while Antichrist Eric Powell ("The Goon", "Hillbilly") will illustrate the variant cover for the first issue.
Regarding the comic, Schnepp told Rolling Stone, "It's definitely a lot of sensitive subjects that need to be explored and addressed. What's the best way to explore those? With the chaos of metal."
Schnepp previously helmed AVENGED SEVENFOLD's animated series based around "Hail To The King" and EXODUS' "Downfall" video.
King admitted that he has never been much of a comics fan. "I've got a handful from when I was super young and then a handful from the early nineties when I got back into collecting sports stuff, but certainly not a ton of them," he told Rolling Stone. "I love comic-book movies, be it 'X-Men', 'The Avengers', 'Iron Man', 'Thor', since those are always killer."
Slayer: Repentless #1 (of 3) will be on comic stands in December 2016. Preorder at your local comic shop today.